We have vacancies all over Sweden among other places: Helsingborg, Linköping, Strömsholm, Malmö, Stockholm, Gotland, Höör, Öjebyn, Gävle, Höganäs.
Durch Vereinbarung
Datum der Angebotserstellung
27.06.2024 (Update 01.07.2024)
Arbeitsverhältnis befristet: doba neurčitá
Gehalt (brutto)
3.000 € pro monat
Anzahl der offenen Stellen

Informationen zur Arbeitsstelle


Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

We are looking for experienced Veterinarians to several of our clinics in Sweden. We mostly look for veterinarians with experience of small animals but in some locations, we also have a need of equine veterinarians. We value your personal qualities. We are happy to see that you have the desire to develop long-term career with us. You enjoy working in teams, deliver with quality and have a trustworthy attitude. We believe that you are thorough, responsible, communicative with both pet owners and employees and contribute to a pleasant and open work climate. It is important that you learn Swedish to be able to communicate with pet owners and journals must also be written in Swedish. We will support you in your Swedish language education.

At Evidensia everyone takes responsibility for each other, regardless of professional category. We care about each other. Good communication with both pet owners and colleagues is important to us. It is important that you are positive person spreading good energy and you like to cooperate with others. Of course, you love animals as much as we do and identify yourself with our core values; commitment, joy, respect, competence and innovation.

IVC Evidensia is Europe’s largest veterinary care provider, located in 20 countries. Evidensia (Sweden) is a part of IVC Evidensia. In Sweden we are located in 79 places from north to south. We have small clinics and large animal hospitals.

Working as a veterinarian with us is very varied job and you have the possibility to work either in a bigger hospital or a smaller clinic or both. You will experience an exciting variety of complex and more routine cases. Together we work to drive the development of veterinary medicine forward, for the benefit of the animals every day. You will also have good support from your colleagues who you will be working with.

Work in Sweden – Evidensia

Informácie o životných a pracovných podmienkach vo Švédsku

štúdium švédčiny

Informationen zum Auswahlverfahren

Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „Odoslať životopis“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis a žiadosť o prijatie do zamestnania, resp. motivačný list v anglickom jazyku. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený zamestnávateľovi.

EURES poradca: Ing. Ingrid Mitterpachová,, 052 2440 303

Ak Vás pozícia zaujala, neodkladajte odoslanie životopisu na poslednú chvíľu, kandidáti môžu absolvovať interview priebežne.

Die Arbeitsstelle ist auch geeignet für

  • Absolventen

Angebotene Vorteile

The positions are full-time, 40 hours per week. In our animal hospitals we also work evenings, nights and weekends. We offer, 25 days holiday, compensation for wellness, discounts. We are flexible with start date.

We can advise you about the mobility project “Targeted Mobility Scheme” to learn more about possibilities on economical contribution to come closer a job in Sweden. EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme – Arbetsförmedlingen (

The salary for the position depends on background, specialism, training, location, overtime, weekend shifts (if applicable), etc. Approximately starting salary for just graduates starts around 3000-3200 Euro gross.

Anforderungen an den Mitarbeiter

Erforderliche Ausbildung

  • Hochschulbildung erster Grades
  • Hochschulbildung zweiter Grades


  • Englisch - Fortgeschrittene: B1 und B2
  • Schwedisch - Fortgeschrittene: B1 und B2
Es wird die Beherrschung mindestens einer Sprache verlangt.

Andere Anforderungen

We are looking for you who are social, forward-thinking and like to contribute to a good atmosphere in the working group and you have a good sense of service and problem solving.

To be able to serve as a veterinarian in Sweden, Swedish veterinary license and the necessary knowledge of the Swedish language are required. For further information please see The Swedish Board of Agriculture – in English –

We believe it is a big advantage if you can start studying Swedish even before moving to Sweden.




Rechtliche ID



Špitálska 2206/8, 81108, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Slovensko


Merkmale des Unternehmens

EURES (European Employment Services) je európska sieť služieb zamestnanosti koordinovaná ELA (Európsky orgán práce), ktorej cieľom je uľahčiť voľný pohyb pracovných síl v rámci krajín EÚ/EHP a Švajčiarska, ako aj podporovať spravodlivú pracovnú mobilitu. EURES poskytuje bezplatné služby uchádzačom, ktorí si hľadajú pracovné uplatnenie v Európe a európskym zamestnávateľom, hľadajúcim pracovnú silu v rámci týchto krajín.
EURES poradcovia poskytujú záujemcom o prácu v zahraničí informačné, poradenské a sprostredkovateľské služby. Európskym zamestnávateľom so záujmom o pracovníkov z krajín EÚ/EHP a zo Švajčiarska ponúka sieť EURES profesionálne poradenstvo a pomoc pri nábore.

Ähnliche Stellenangebote

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Šaľa, Trnavský kraj
Arbeitsverhältnis befristet, Selbstständige Tätigkeit
800 € pro monat
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Branislav Oremus - Slovkvet

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1.300 € pro monat
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Branislav Oremus - Slovkvet

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1.000 € pro monat
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2.800 € pro monat
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Weitere Arbeitgeberangebote

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2.428 € pro monat
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Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet
15 € in einer stunde
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Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet
3.000 € pro monat
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Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
13 € in einer stunde
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Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet
19 € in einer stunde
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0 € pro monat
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