Velička, spol. s r.o.

Pekár(ka), pomocný(á) pekár(ka)

Pekár(ka), pomocný(á) pekár(ka)
Place of work
Fraňa Kráľa, 058 01 Poprad-Veľká, Slovensko
Start date in work
The date the offer was added
13 May 2024
Type of employment
indefinite period employment
Salary (gross)
from €700 to €1,200 per month
príplatky, prémie
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

spracovanie cesta, pečenie chleba a pečiva

Selection procedure information

osobný pracovný pohovor

Benefits offered

  • travel-to-work contribution

bonusové pečivo

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Primary education
The field of education: food technology

Length of experience

no requirement for professional experience

Employer information

Business Name

Velička, spol. s r.o.

Company Registration Number



Fraňa Kráľa, 05801 Poprad, Slovensko

Characteristics of the company

zaoberá sa výrobou pekárenských produktov a maloobchodnou činnosťou v oblasti predaja potravín

Contact person

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