Pomocný stolár
Place of work
1. mája 219/2, 971 01 Prievidza-Malá Lehôtka, Slovensko
Start date in work
The date the offer was added
8 Jul 2024 (update 10 Jul 2024)
Type of employment
indefinite period employment
Salary (gross)
€850 per month
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

Pomocné stolárske práce.

Working mode

Single-shift system

Position also suitable for

  • graduates

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Lower secondary education (vocational)
  • Vocational Secondary Education

Length of experience

no requirement for professional experience

General qualifications and prerequisites

  • Manuálna zručnosť
  • Precíznosť (presnosť)
  • Spoľahlivosť
  • Tímová práca

Employer information

Business Name

Miroslav Harag DREVIS

Company Registration Number



1. mája 219/2, 971 01 Prievidza-Malá Lehôtka, Slovakia

Internet address

Characteristics of the company

Výroba drevených okien a dverí.

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