LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Lead AI Engineer & Strategist (m/f/d)

Lead AI Engineer & Strategist (m/f/d)
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovensko
Durch Vereinbarung
Datum der Angebotserstellung
01.07.2024 (Update 02.07.2024)
Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet
Arbeitsverhältnis befristet: 12
Gehalt (brutto)
3.500 € pro monat
Basic gross guaranteed salary: from 3500 EUR/Brutto +13th salary The final basic wage component will be adjusted to individual skills and experience of selected candidate.
Anzahl der offenen Stellen

Informationen zur Arbeitsstelle


Are you passionate about shaping the future with artificial intelligence? Are you an entrepreneurial leader with hands-on AI experience, seeking to drive impactful AI initiatives in dynamic environments with a pragmatic mindset? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! At LEONI, we’re embarking on an AI journey, and we’re seeking an experienced AI Engineer & Strategist to take a leading role in our new AI Center of Excellence. As a key member of our growing team, you’ll play a pivotal role in defining our AI strategy, implementing cutting-edge solutions, and empowering our organization to harness the full potential of AI. We're eager to welcome you aboard!

Your tasks:

· Define strategy & best practices (where to go and how to do it)

o Define and refine Al strategy (set direction)

o Define and refine Al framework (practical best practices/rules for implementation)

o Prioritize AI use cases and resources

o Proactively monitor and assess AI innovations and their potential for the company

· Develop and/or manage AI implementations end-to-end (execution)

o Overall AI solution design (How can we solve problem/opportunity ABC)

o Implementation

o Manage projects end-to-end (e.g. external providers; driving the project proactively; etc.)

o Develop the data science part yourself, if necessary (ETL, model selection, training, tuning, validation, monitoring)

o Define, select and implement AI infrastructure together with IT colleagues

o Tool & frameworks selection

· Enable the organization (empower others internally)

o Creating awareness, communication, collaboration & knowledge exchange around AI

o Education and Trainings: Internal AI trainings and developing of AI talent

o Building & managing of external AI ecosystem

o Supporting data governance topics

Informationen zum Auswahlverfahren

Radi si s Vami dohodneme osobné stretnutie. V prípade záujmu nás kontakujte 24/7 na bezplatnej linke 0800 864 111 (stačí ak necháte odkaz s Vašimi údajmi) , prípadne zašlite svoj CV na praca@leoni.com


Flexible arbeitszeitgestaltung

Angebotene Vorteile

  • 13. Gehalt
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Krankheitstage
  •  Opportunity to work in international global team,
  • International contacts and professional cooperation,
  • Personal development on professional and language skills with the possibility of using High-Tech technologies,
  • Flexible working time (37,5 hours for week),
  • Extra 4 days off (Sick days),
  • 13th Salary (Target Agreement),
  • Home office,
  • Maximum support for new improvement thoughts and ideas (financial reward),
  • and many others

Anforderungen an den Mitarbeiter

Erforderliche Ausbildung

  • Mittlerer Fachschulabschluss
  • Vollständiger Fachschulabschluss
  • Hochschulbildung erster Grades
  • Hochschulbildung zweiter Grades
Fachbereich: IT, Technology

Die Berufserfahrungsdauer

mindestens 2 Jahre


  • Englisch - Fortgeschrittene: B1 und B2

Andere Anforderungen

  •  Technical Expertise:

o Proven experience in developing and implementing AI use cases & strategy, e.g. 3+ years of experience as AI engineer and/or project lead, bringing ideas into production, preferably in manufacturing or automotive

o Strong understanding of different AI fields and experience with machine learning algorithms and techniques (Predictive AI, Generative AI, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.)

  • Intermediate experience with AI frameworks (e.g., scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.) and tools (e.g. AutoML tools like AutoGluon, TPOT, PyCaret, etc.)
  • Experience in at least one programming language commonly used in data science (e.g., Python or R) and proficiency in using IDEs. Familiarity with coding best practices, e.g. version control systems (e.g., Git) is a plus.
  • Deeper project experience in at least one field of machine learning, such as Regression, Classification, Clustering, Generative AI, etc.

o Experience in data engineering, including ETL processes, data pipelines, and data analysis

o Familiarity with AI cloud platforms (e.g. Azure, AWS, GCP; DataRobot, Dataiku, KNIME; etc.). Deeper knowledge about Azure is a plus.

o Knowledge of AI infrastructure, architecture principles, model deployment strategies / MLOperations (MLOps), and automating AI pipelines

o Knowledge of data governance principles and practices, with a focus on privacy and security

  • Strategy & Vision:

o Ability to define and refine AI strategy aligned with business goals

o Ability translate business goals/problems into a clear and actionable AI use cases

o Proactive approach and strong analytical skills to identifying and prioritizing AI use cases and allocate resources effectively

o Continuous learning mindset and passion for staying ahead of the curve in AI advancements, trends and innovations

  • Leadership & Communication:

o Excellent communication and collaboration skills (verbal/written) to build buy-in, create awareness and foster collaboration around AI across the organization

o Demonstrated ability to work with and lead cross-functional teams without authority, collaborate with external partners and manage complex projects

o Ability to break down technical AI concepts for non-technical audiences

o Strong leadership skills to empower and inspire a talented AI team and other AI enthusiasts

o Experience in creating and delivering trainings and presentations on AI concepts and applications (internal and external)

o Experience with agile methodologies (particularly Scrum) and tools, enabling efficient project management and seamless collaboration among various stakeholders

o Languages: English (Must), German and others (Nice to have)



LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Rechtliche ID



Soblahovská 2050, 91101, Trenčín, Slovensko


Merkmale des Unternehmens

LEONI je globálny poskytovateľ produktov, riešení a služieb pre energetický a dátový manažment v automobilovom sektore a iných odvetviach. Skupina firiem má okolo 100 000 zamestnancov v 30 krajinách a v roku 2020 vygenerovala konsolidovaný predaj 4,1 miliardy eur.

Najväčšia skupina zákazníkov LEONI zahrňuje globálny priemysel automobilov, komerčných vozidiel a dodávky komponentov. LEONI ďalej dodáva produkty a služby na tieto trhy: dátová komunikácia a siete, zdravotníctvo, spracovateľský priemysel, doprava, energetika a infraštruktúra, automatizácia tovární, stroje a snímače, ako aj námorné odvetvie. Integrovaná sieť pre výskum a vývoj, výrobu, ako aj distribúciu a servis poskytuje zákazníkom istotu podpory šitej na mieru vo viac ako 100 prevádzkach po celom svete. LEONI pôsobí ako poskytovateľ riešení s výraznými odbornými znalosťami v oblasti vývoja a systémov.

Ähnliche Stellenangebote

LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Dubnica nad Váhom, Home-Office
Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.800 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024
LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Dubnica nad Váhom, Home-Office
Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.200 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024
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Nová Dubnica
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Nemšová - Trenčianska Závada
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LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.300 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024

Nové Mesto nad Váhom
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Bratislavský kraj, Slovensko
Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet
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Gestern aktualisiert

Weitere Arbeitgeberangebote

LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Dubnica nad Váhom, Home-Office
Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.800 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024
LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Dubnica nad Váhom, Home-Office
Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.200 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024
LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.300 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024
LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.

Arbeitsverhältnis unbefristet, Arbeitsverhältnis befristet
1.050 € pro monat
Hinzugefügt 01.07.2024