Place of work
925 62 Váhovce, Slovensko
Pekáreň VELAPEK s.r.o. 554, Váhovce.
Start date in work
By agreement
The date the offer was added
19 Jun 2024 (update 30 Jun 2024)
Type of employment
indefinite period employment
agreement for the performance of a work assignment
Salary (gross)
from €8 to €10 per hour
Príplatok za prácu v nedeľu, nočný príplatok, stravné lístky, osobné hodnotenie, atď.
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

Miesenie cesta, formovanie a pečenie pekárenských výrobkov.

Working mode

Single-shift system

Position also suitable for

  • person from Ukraine
  • graduates

Benefits offered

  • provided accommodation

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Primary education
  • Lower secondary education (vocational)
The field of education: food technology
Field of study: Pekár

Length of experience

at least 6 months


  • Slovak - Advanced: B1 and B2

Driving licence

  • Category B

General qualifications and prerequisites

  • Analyzovanie a riešenie problémov
  • Komunikácia (jednanie s ľuďmi)
  • Organizovanie a plánovanie práce
  • Rozhodovanie
  • Spoľahlivosť
  • Tímová práca

Employer information

Business Name

VELAPEK s.r.o.

Company Registration Number



Váhovce, 92562 Váhovce, Slovensko

Internet address

Characteristics of the company

Vyroba pekarenskych vyrobkov.

Contact person

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