Place of work
Our clinics are located in about 70 locations in Sweden, from Tomelilla in the south to Kiruna in the north.
Start date in work
By agreement
The date the offer was added
27 Jun 2024 (update 1 Jul 2024)
Type of employment
fixed-term employment: doba určitá
Salary (gross)
from €3,000 to €3,200 per month
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

Work assignment

With us, you get the opportunity to work with several different animal species and no day is like the other. Our work includes both work in the clinics with pets and work on “the field” when we visit our customers in barns and stables which means that our work also includes farm animals and horses. Driving is a natural part of the job and you need to feel comfortable with driving.Our goal is to create a workplace where everyone enjoys to work and thereby get the right work conditions to do a good job.

When you work with us, you will never get bored – we have a very stimulating and varied job. Due to the around-the-clock service, we are prepared to work if necessary during nights and weekends. Schedule including this is part of the employment.

About Distriktsveterinärerna in Sweden

Distriktsveterinärerna is the veterinary instance to ensure animal wellfare in Sweden. Distriktsveterinärerna is a part of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and are roughly translated to “Veterinarians of the District”.

We have an around-the-clock service to clients all over the country. We have an unique knowledge of animal health and we are contributing to animal health and safety. We work toward individuals, companies, authorities and we offer services for acute and preventive veterinary care and disease control. We stand up for ethical veterinary care and we are committed to do the little extra for the customer as well as for our colleagues. We are proud to make a difference and create value in every meeting with a customer. With the animals and their owners in focus, we work together to improve ourselves and our way of working. Always with our feet on the ground and our hearts in the right place.

Welcome to Distriktsveterinärerna! Our clinics are located in about 70 locations in Sweden, from Tomelilla in the south to Kiruna in the north. About 700 licensed veterinarians, registered veterinary nurses, and animal caretakers are working here. Our veterinarians are general practitioners but several of them also have specialist competence. Our organization gives you the opportunity to work with several different animal species, access to competent colleagues and a varied and interesting job.

Informácie o životných a pracovných podmienkach vo Švédsku

štúdium švédčiny

Selection procedure information

Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „Odoslať životopis“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis a žiadosť o prijatie do zamestnania, resp. motivačný list v anglickom jazyku. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený zamestnávateľovi.

EURES poradca: Ing. Ingrid Mitterpachová,, 052 2440 303

Ak Vás pozícia zaujala, neodkladajte odoslanie životopisu na poslednú chvíľu, kandidáti môžu absolvovať interview priebežne.

Position also suitable for

  • graduates

Benefits offered

We will offer you an introduction period when your are starting to work with us to make sure that you will get all information needed. We will do our best to help you in your process of getting established in Sweden. There is even a mobility project called Targeted mobility scheme that can facilitate the process in starting a new job in Sweden. We can advise you about the mobility project “Targeted Mobility Scheme” to learn more about possibilities on economical contribution to come closer a job in Sweden. EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme – Arbetsförmedlingen (

The salary for the position depends on background, specialism, training, location, overtime, weekend shifts (if applicable), etc. Approximately starting salary for just graduates starts around 3000-3200 Euro gross.

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Tertiary Education (Undergraduate|
  • Tertiary Education (Graduate)


  • English - Advanced: B1 and B2
  • Swedish - Advanced: B1 and B2
Knowledge of at least one language is required.

Additional requirements


To be able to work in Sweden you have to have a veterinary education of at least five years. The education must be at a collage or university level that gives the right to practice the veterynary profession in the country where you completed your education. We are open to hire veterinarians that are newly graduated and also veterinarians that has work experience. You also need to have permit from the Swedish Board of Agriculture to work as a veterinarian. We will help you to get the necissary information for this process. If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland you can work temporarily in Sweden on your foreign qualifications, that is, you do not need to apply for a Swedish veterinary license if you are only going to work here temporarily. If you intend to establish yourself in Sweden, you have to apply for a license. There is a possibility to apply for a temporary provision of veterinary services and a license with the exception of the langauge requirement while you are learning the Swedish language. If so we will support you to fullfill the requirement of writing medical records in Swedish until you have language knowledge yourself.

To be relevant for a position at Distriktsveterinärerna you need to be fluent in Englisth, at B-level, and have a strong ambition to learn Swedish since you need to reach a good knowledge of the Swedish language, both orally and in writing. You can read more about the temporary provision of veterinary services and license here: Degree in Veterinary Medicine from a university in an EU/EEA-country or Switzerland – Jordbruksverket. Another requirement that needs to be fullfilled is that you need to have an approved driving license for Sweden.

You, who are applying for this position, need to be independent and on the same time you need to have the ability to work with others in a team. You need to be loyal, service-minded and have good judgment. As a veterinarian, you need to take part of the development and the improvement of your own work as well as the clinics work. You need to enjoy to work in an organization with quick changes, where we adapt and help each other to handle the situations that arise. At Distriktsveterinärerna you will be a very important employee and together with your collegous you will be a part of fullfilling our assignment.

To be able to serve as a veterinarian in Sweden, Swedish veterinary license and the necessary knowledge of the Swedish language are required. For further information please see: The Swedish Board of Agriculture – in English –

Employer information

Business Name


Company Registration Number



Špitálska 2206/8, 81108, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Slovensko

Internet address

Characteristics of the company

EURES (European Employment Services) je európska sieť služieb zamestnanosti koordinovaná ELA (Európsky orgán práce), ktorej cieľom je uľahčiť voľný pohyb pracovných síl v rámci krajín EÚ/EHP a Švajčiarska, ako aj podporovať spravodlivú pracovnú mobilitu. EURES poskytuje bezplatné služby uchádzačom, ktorí si hľadajú pracovné uplatnenie v Európe a európskym zamestnávateľom, hľadajúcim pracovnú silu v rámci týchto krajín.
EURES poradcovia poskytujú záujemcom o prácu v zahraničí informačné, poradenské a sprostredkovateľské služby. Európskym zamestnávateľom so záujmom o pracovníkov z krajín EÚ/EHP a zo Švajčiarska ponúka sieť EURES profesionálne poradenstvo a pomoc pri nábore.

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