Place of work
Gardermoen, a i.
Start date in work
By agreement
The date the offer was added
28 Jun 2024
Type of employment
indefinite period employment
Salary (gross)
€0 per month
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

Our people are the heart of Norwegian. We embrace a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion. Embracing this culture is critical to our business success and makes us stronger together. Our people have different strengths, experiences and backgrounds, but all share a passion for our vision; to become the most loved and trusted airline in Europe.

Are you our new Pilot? The future looks bright for Norwegian and we will continue to grow, therefore we will need more good colleagues in the future.

The bases we will recruit for this winter are: RIX, HEL, BGO (Bergen/ Norway), TRD (Trondheim/ Norway), SVG (Stavanger/ Norway). Please remember to tell us which base you are interested in when you apply.

Selection procedure information

Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte váš životopis v anglickom jazyku.

EURES poradkyňa: Mgr. Gabriela Hájeková


Telefón: 034/ 2440 303

Letecká spoločnosť Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA aktuálne naberá nových zamestnancov i na ďalšie pracovné pozície v oblasti administrácie, leteckého personálu, pozície pilotov. V prípade Vášho záujmu, prosím, adresujte Váš mail so životopisom na vyššie uvedenú kontaktnú osobu/ EURES poradcu.

Benefits offered

We can offer:

  • Competitive salary
  • Good pension and insurance schemes
  • Passionately colleagues in a work environment with a caring heart
  • Possibility to travel in Europe with employee priced tickets
  • Uniform provided

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Tertiary Education (Undergraduate|
  • Tertiary Education (Graduate)


  • English - High: C1 and C2

Additional requirements

You are our ideal candidate if you are: 

  • You have a valid EASA ATPL or CPL with ATPL theory, preferably from one of the following member states (SOLI Requirement*):
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • You hold a Class 1 Medical certificate
  • You have valid type rating B737 300-900
  • You have a clean criminal record or accident, and able to pass 5- year security check.
  • You have legal right to live and work in the EU/EEC region
  • You have an ELP level 5 or higher
  • You hold an unrestricted passport offering visa free entry to our destinations.
  • Travel required: More than 150 days travel

SOLI Requirement: In alignment with our company policy, candidates applying for a position within our company should hold or be in the process of transferring their State of Licence Issue (SOLI) to either Norway, Sweden, or Denmark. This policy not only helps in reducing company costs but also strengthen our operational efficiency. We kindly ask prospective candidates to initiate this transfer process prior to signing an employment contract, if they do not already possess a Norwegian, Swedish, or Danish license. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this requirement during the application process.

Anglický - C1 Skúsený používateľ

Employer information

Business Name


Company Registration Number



J.Kollára 2014/13, 915 01, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovensko

Internet address

Characteristics of the company

EURES (European Employment Services) je európska sieť služieb zamestnanosti koordinovaná ELA (Európsky orgán práce), ktorej cieľom je uľahčiť voľný pohyb pracovných síl v rámci krajín EÚ/EHP a Švajčiarska, ako aj podporovať spravodlivú pracovnú mobilitu. EURES poskytuje bezplatné služby uchádzačom, ktorí si hľadajú pracovné uplatnenie v Európe a európskym zamestnávateľom, hľadajúcim pracovnú silu v rámci týchto krajín.
EURES poradcovia poskytujú záujemcom o prácu v zahraničí informačné, poradenské a sprostredkovateľské služby. Európskym zamestnávateľom so záujmom o pracovníkov z krajín EÚ/EHP a zo Švajčiarska ponúka sieť EURES profesionálne poradenstvo a pomoc pri nábore.

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