Pracovník v záhradníctve
Place of work
Hlavná, 972 26 Nitrianske Rudno, Slovensko
Podľa potreby
Start date in work
The date the offer was added
10 Jul 2024 (update 12 Jul 2024)
Type of employment
agreement on temporary employment
agreement on student work
Salary (gross)
from €4 to €6 per hour
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

Výsadba drevín, strihanie živých plotov

Selection procedure information

Osobný pohovor

Working mode

Single-shift system

Position also suitable for

  • students
  • pensioneers

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Lower secondary education (vocational)

General qualifications and prerequisites

  • Spoľahlivosť

Employer information

Business Name

WISTERIA záhrady a strechy spol. s r.o.

Company Registration Number



Hlavná 707/135, 972 26 Nitrianske Rudno, Slovakia

Internet address

Characteristics of the company

Návrh a realizácia záhrad a zelených striech

Contact person

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