Place of work
rieky Danube, Rhine, Maine, Saone, Rhone, Seine
Start date in work
By agreement
The date the offer was added
11 Jul 2024 (update 16 Jul 2024)
Type of employment
indefinite period employment
Salary (gross)
€2,375 per month
Number of job vacancies

Information about job offer

Job description

Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

Popis pracovnej ponuky:

Set Sail for Your Career with Viking. At Viking, highly motivated individuals are sought after, who strive to deliver their best. The company offers rewarding career opportunities in both their corporate offices and on board their award-winning fleet of ships.

Stateroom Attendant – Purpose of Position:

To provide guests at all times with friendly, personalized housekeeping service. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining high standards and consistency of cleanliness of the guest staterooms and all public areas while providing our guests an outstanding customer service.


– Daily cleaning of approximately 18 staterooms

– Cleaning of public areas, toilets and reception area according to requirements

– Correct handling of guest laundry

– Control and distribution of externally cleaned laundry and uniforms

– Correct and careful handling of all cleaning products, materials and housekeeping equipment

– Rotating laundry duty incl. washing, ironing and folding activities

– Distribution of daily programs, gift orders and turndown services in allocated staterooms

– Welcoming and escorting guests to their staterooms on embarkation day

– Checking and reporting technical defects of staterooms to the supervisor / reception

– Luggage duty on embarkation and disembarkation day

– Conduction of stock takes; inventory according to company procedures

– Organization and planning of embarkation / disembarkation

– Preparation of opening and closing ships at start and end of season

– Assistance in other departments upon instruction from supervisors (if required)

– Performance according to company standards and HACCP rules

– Participation in loadings

– Correct storage of stock; establishing of par levels

– Active participation in onboard training programs

– Participate in the departmental “Daily Reunion”

– Ensure that all guest complaints received are either settled immediately or referred to the relative party

for follow up. Guest to be promptly advised of all actions taken

– Assistance in the Guest Services as required and appointed by the management

– Ability to effectively deal with internal & external customers, some of whom will require high levels of

patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger, collect accurate information and resolve conflicts

Selection procedure information

Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis v anglickom jazyku. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený zamestnávateľovi.

EURES poradca: Ing. Zlatica Pietriková


Telefón: 046/2440299

Benefits offered

  • provided accommodation

Zamestnávateľ ponúka:

– ubytovanie a strava poskytovaná a hradená zamestnávateľom

– prepravné náklady hradené zamestnávateľom

– zdravotné, nemocenské, úrazové, invalidné, dôchodkové, nezamestnanecké poistenie

Employee requirements

Required education

  • Vocational Secondary Education
  • Upper Secondary Education
  • General Secondary Education

Length of experience

at least 1 year


  • English - Advanced: B1 and B2

Additional requirements


– kompletné stredoškolské vzdelanie v odbore 

– minimálne 1 rok praxe

– anglický jazyk komunikatívne 

Požadované vzdelanie:

stredná škola

Jazyk a úroveň ovládania:

anglický - B2 Samostatný používateľ

Employer information

Business Name


Company Registration Number



Špitálska 2206/8, 81108, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Slovensko

Internet address

Characteristics of the company

EURES (European Employment Services) je európska sieť služieb zamestnanosti koordinovaná ELA (Európsky orgán práce), ktorej cieľom je uľahčiť voľný pohyb pracovných síl v rámci krajín EÚ/EHP a Švajčiarska, ako aj podporovať spravodlivú pracovnú mobilitu. EURES poskytuje bezplatné služby uchádzačom, ktorí si hľadajú pracovné uplatnenie v Európe a európskym zamestnávateľom, hľadajúcim pracovnú silu v rámci týchto krajín.
EURES poradcovia poskytujú záujemcom o prácu v zahraničí informačné, poradenské a sprostredkovateľské služby. Európskym zamestnávateľom so záujmom o pracovníkov z krajín EÚ/EHP a zo Švajčiarska ponúka sieť EURES profesionálne poradenstvo a pomoc pri nábore.

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